Building a fence is no small task; this thing could potentially be the first thing guests, business partners and customers see when they enter your property. Here at Chainwire Fencing Specialist, we’d like to help you get it right the first time by offering you a few questions you might potentially wish to ask yourself before making a final decision as to what type, style and size of fence works best for you.
Question #1 – What is this fence for?
What is your reason for building a fence? Is it purely functional; securing livestock or recreational activity? Or is aesthetic value for your business your main priority? Sitting down and plotting out exactly what function you would like your fence to fulfil would be wise to ensure that you make the right choices down the road when it comes to things like selvage size, fence height and material coating.
Question #2 – Are my neighbours aware of my plan to install a fence? Do they have any concerns and if so, what are they?
Building a fence on your property can dramatically affect the way adjacent properties look, altering the perceived value of those properties. Be a good neighbour and let your neighbour know that you plan to build a fence. Maybe they enjoy a particular view and you putting a fence on your property might obstruct this. While it’s still your right to install the fence of your choosing on your property regardless, it’s in the best interest of your relationship with your neighbour to at least make sure they’re aware of it.
Who knows – they might even be considering building a fence themselves and be willing to bundle the project.
Question #3 – How many entrances do I need?
Depending on what type of fence you require, you may want to consider building a few entrances into it. This might even be a safety requirement depending on what type of enclosure you are creating. Generally speaking, for a fairly sized yard, plan to place two entrances at separate points of the fence. Here at Chainwire Fencing Specialist, we’re able to seamlessly insert gates into any fence so that’s not a worry; looks and – most importantly – safety are your biggest concerns in this regard.
Question #4 – Do I have any specific design requirements?
If you are building a fence for your commercial property, you may wish to hang a sign on it at some point in the near future. Keeping things like this in mind will be of huge benefit to both you and your contractor as you decide how to proceed in designing and building your fence. Also, take care to note the various fencing accessories available on the market and work these into your budget should you need to.
Do note that we offer bollard installation services as well – these can go along quite well with your fence if you so choose.
Need a hand? We can help.
If you’d like to get an expert’s opinion on your fencing project, feel free to give us a call. We’ll gladly get you going on the right path towards having a sturdy, functional and long-lasting fence on your property that you’re more than satisfied with.
Chainwire Fencing Specialist look forward to hearing from you and helping you as we have countless residential, commercial and industrial clients in Newcastle.