Temporary Builders Fencing

Here at Chainwire Fencing Specialists, our team values safety every bit as much as you do on the job site. If you’re a construction company, our fences will provide effective and secure enclosure, protecting civilians and workers from all types of danger.

Temporary fencing is needed to ensure you’re complying with WH&S requirements. Your temporary fencing should be up for the whole period of construction. The amount of fencing required will depend on the existing fencing on neighbouring properties.

The presence of temporary fencing can help protect you and your builder from any liabilities if an unauthorised person enters the site. If you’re building your new home through a licensed homebuilder, they will provide temporary fencing, make sure that’s included in the contract and if it’s not, ask your builder about it to ensure you aren’t hit with additional costs later. If you’re an owner-builder than it’s your responsibility to source the temporary builders fencing. Whether you buy or rent the fencing will depend on how long you’re using it for.

Chainwire Fencing Specialists supply temporary fencing to a number of industries across Australia. If you’re looking for temporary builders fencing that will provide effective and secure enclosure, promoting safety for workers and visitors, contact Chainwire Fencing Specialists today.

Experienced Experts

In addition to our extensive work in providing temporary builders fencing solutions, our fencing experts here at Chainwire Fencing Specialists are experienced in providing a whole host of other fencing solutions ranging from residential to industrial and commercial.

This extensive experience in various types of fencing situations has provided our team of experts with the knowledge and resources to ensure that every job creates a solution for the client that is unique and works ideally for their situation.

Ready When You Are

Here at Chainwire Fencing Specialists, we look forward to working with our new clients and providing them with the same level of service and quality that we’ve been providing our fencing clients with for years.

If you share this same desire and value for quality, we look forward to hearing from you! Make Chainwire Fencing Specialists your destination for all your temporary builders fencing needs.

temporary builders fencing - Fencing Specialists


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