Fencing Specialists - chainwire fencing newcastle, fencing newcastle

Parts of a chainwire fence

Are you curious about what exactly goes into a chainwire fence? You’ve landed in the right place. With this blog post, we’ll give you a quick run-through of the various components you’ll find in a standard chanwire fence.

Top rail

The easiest way to describe the top rail is to look at it as the part that you’d likely be most inclined to lean on when you first walk up to the fence. This rail can also be seen as a crossbeam connecting the individual line posts.

The top rail is attached to the fence using a series of loops and elbows. The fence passes through several loops which hold it in place and – if the fence continues around a corner or bend – is connected to other top rails with elbows.


Line post

The line posts are the vertical poles which the chainwire material itself is fastened to. These posts give the fence shape and strength, allowing it to stand upright. It is crucial to get the distance between each post correct, something our technicians have significant experience in doing. Too far between posts and you’ll wind up with a fence that is floppy. Too few space in between posts and you’ll wind up requiring too many posts to get the fence to stay sturdy and upright.

secure storage area for equipment

Tie wire

The tie wire, simply put, connects the chainwire material to the top rail. Our chainwire fencing specialists ensure that there is enough material left near the top of the fence to securely fasten it around the top rail for a snug fit. We then securely tie the material to form a grip that will likely last for the entire lifetime of your fence. This is another one of the components that keeps the fence in shape.

This tie is done with a special tool; attempting to do it with pliers would result in an unsatisfactory tie.


Loop cap

Lastly, let’s talk about the loop cap. The loop cap is the part of the fence that the top rail passes through. The loop cap is located on each of the vertical line posts and acts as a guide for the top rail, ensuring that the fence keeps straight form.




Chainwire Fencing Specialist hope this brief glossary has been helpful to you! If you’ve got any more questions or would like to arrange a chainwire fence construction and installation for your property, just give us a call! We look forward to hearing from you!


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